Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Role of disability attorney during different stages of disability claim

Social Security Disability (SSD) Benefit is covered under the Federal Social Security Act. Social Security program includes monthly disability compensations as well as other benefits to disabled individuals and their families. Disability benefits program can offer monetary payments and medical coverage.

Filing a disability claim can be puzzling and strenuous process as there are different checkpoints one needs to go through like eligibility, application, maintaining documents and if needed, appeal for reconsideration amongst others.

The average amount of time for an SSD can be around 120 days. This duration can vary depending on the nature of your disability, medical evidence received by the Social Security Administration and the state in which you reside.

Mistakes you must avoid

Because of many different factors that can affect the outcome of the claim, it’s often observed that people are left confused. Individuals facing disability tend to confide in friends and family and get influenced by hearsay. While many people opine that it is not easy to get disability benefits, it’s not advisable to avoid filing for disability and reconcile to your fate. There have also been cases when disabled person has filed the claim long after the accident. This is a mistake and can reduce the chances of getting your claim approved. Don’t be lost in the lengthy process of the Social Security Disability claim. Consult a reputed disability attorney in your area who will guide and support you thoroughly.

Claim Application

To begin with the claim procedure, you need to fill application form which requires detail about your recent work history, salary and other relevant information. This form is very important and should be filled with utmost care and correctness. Even a minor slip up can result in rejection of your application. When you hire a lawyer he/she takes care of this form and thus probability of rejection decreases.

Maintain Records

After receiving your application form the SSA forwards it to the Social Security Administration of your state. The administration will then thoroughly ascertain the details, available medical records, consult your attending physician and also cross examine you to verify information and determine the severity of disability. Hence, it is necessary that you visit your physician regularly and maintain all records of the visits, medications and note if there’s any update in the status of your disability. You must also keep record of the medical expenses of your disability. This will immensely help your claim and serve as a proof.

Correct and timely information

When you hire a disability lawyer, he/she will help you collect required proofs and medical certificates. You must share with him/her the problems that you encounter in your daily life due to your disability. The lawyer will use all this information to present your claim and thus, increase the chances of approval.

Not only it’s important to provide required information correctly but it is equally essential to furnish it on time to meet deadlines. It is possible that if you miss your deadlines, your claim could be disapproved.

In spite of your efforts if your claim is rejected the first time, you can appeal for reconsideration. Don’t file a fresh application as it’ll delay the process further. Your disability attorney plays a vital role during the appeal process. His/her experience in such cases is significant.