Thursday, 28 February 2013

Choosing a right disability lawyer for your case

If you have incurred injuries and are now facing disability then you can rightfully file a disability claim under the Social Security Law. However, if you are not familiar with the legal procedure and lack knowledge regarding such law then it becomes difficult to get favorable results for your disability benefits claim. And when you face rejection of your claim it may further add to your trauma.

But, it is in your hands to have the positive outcome of your disability claim case. You should consider hiring a reliable Social Security disability lawyer as his/her expertise in this field will be of tremendous advantage to you and it will make the progress of your case even quicker. Disability claim lawyers will perform necessary tasks like filing up of claim forms and other required paperwork which you may not be able to do anymore because of your disability. They will also collect all your medical records and certificates required to further attest your claim from your attending physician.

Furthermore, your attorney will also confirm what benefits you are eligible for. After duly completing these tasks, he/she will then file your case. If your case goes for a court hearing in front of an Administrative Law Judge, he/she will also represent you accordingly. His/her expertise can thus give you assurance that acquiring your rightful benefits won’t be an impossible thing. However, finding the right lawyer for your case can be a difficult process. Some people find a lawyer through their family member or a friend who has had to go through the similar process and had experienced success. Some other individuals go through local phone book or the Internet and then make calls to different law firms and lawyers. There’s yet another group of people who ask for recommendations from the state bar association.

When you contact disability lawyers you need to ask some key questions. Inquire about their experience in this particular kind of case that you are bringing and also their success rate. Also ensure that the lawyer is not located too far otherwise communicating and arranging meetings would be another hassle. You must even consider certain eligibility criteria before you hire the lawyer. He/she should be a part of a reputed law firm and if not, then at least he/she should have history of winning legal battles in the court.

Last but most important factor with regard to filing a disability claim is the time. Start the process of searching a professional lawyer as soon as you know about your disability. This is because the entire legal process can be very long and trying. The officials of the Social Security Administration take their time to properly verify your eligibility criteria, medical records and many more such things. Hence timely hiring of an attorney is also necessary so that he/she can start examining your case and thus can handle it efficiently and effectively.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Deciphering the complex process of disability claims

A disability claim refers to the request made for the financial assistance filed with the Social Security Administration (SSA). Generally, an individual can file for disability claims when he/she believes that he/she is facing physical or mental disability leading to inability to find a job or live a normal life. This claim is also referred to as employment disability claims. Two major factors on which your disability claim depends are your financial and medical history.

The entire process of filing claim usually has 5 stages. The first step is the initial reconsideration followed by hearing and later on to appeals council hearing and the appeal in federal district court. You need to fill the forms for either SSI or SSDI under the initial reconsideration. This application can be approved or rejected by the SSA within duration of 3 to 5 months.

Now, don’t stress yourself if your claim is denied as you still have up to 60 days to file for reconsideration. The rejection of disability claims is common; almost 60% of claims are denied. There can many reasons that can lead to denial including filing wrong information in the form, legitimacy of the claim etc. But, good thing is you can always do something about the denied claim.

While filing for reconsideration you can correct the errors if you found the reason for the denial. If you cannot, you can contact the SSA and request for explanation as you need to find out the actual reason why your claim was denied. You may even hire disability claims lawyer as without knowing the real reason you will not be able to amend the errors. When you re-file the claim you need to be extra careful with the details and provide additional relevant documents and medical reports that can support your claim.

During the entire process of filing of disability claims you need to be very patient. Each stage can take quite some time. In most cases, the request for reconsideration can take up to 2 week to 6 months before it gets approved. But it all depends on the number of cases the SSA has up their sleeves.

Meanwhile, if unfortunately your reconsideration is also denied, you can then proceed to appeals stage and under this stage an appeal judge will hear your case. To successfully win the appeal you will need the expertise of an experienced disability lawyer. If for some reason your disability claim is rejected at this level, you can still take your case to the SSA Appeals Council and subsequently to the Federal District court.

In all these stages the most essential thing is you must never lose hope. You have to fight for your rightful disability benefits till the end.

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Sunday, 17 February 2013

Why should you file a disability claim and how can a lawyer help you?

No one can predict future. You never know if you may perhaps encounter an accident and incur serious injuries. If the odds are against you, you might face disability for shorter or longer duration. You might possibly have to undergo surgery to recoup and medical recovery is general quite expensive. And if the cause of injury is other individual’s carelessness or unfortunate accident at workplace then you might wonder why you will have to spend when it wasn’t your fault in the first place. In such circumstances, you not only suffer from physical and mental trauma but financially as well you can have tough times. When you have such dilemma it’s best to hire the services of a disability claim lawyer as an attorney can be your safest option to represent your case most effectively and help you get the medical compensation. With their skills and experience in legal matters, disability lawyers can assist you in every possible manner whether you are applying for short-term or long-term disability claims.

As a victim you have complete right of filing a disability claim and sue the guilty. When you claim for medical benefits you will not only be covered for medical costs but it will also include compensation for your other losses endured due to accident.

Now, before you hire any professional lawyer you must ensure that the law firm or the attorney is reliable as today; there are many firms and professionals out there claiming to be the best. Hence, it becomes critical that you pick out the most trustworthy lawyer for successful outcome of your case. It is recommended that you conduct thorough research by surfing the Internet and examine the database of the disability or accident lawyers. Check the experience, success rate and fees before hiring any lawyer.

Once you hire the services of an experienced lawyer, he/she will ascertain that you are compensated with rightful benefits for your injuries. He/she will strive hard to ensure that the client gets justice for the losses. Lawyers patiently listen to the history of your case, understand it and then prepare all the documents and evidences that are required to win the case.

When you have met with any unfortunate accident a lawyer can help you with your case but why wait for the compensation? Research have concluded that the percentage of people suffering from disabilities have increased in recent years. Hence, to be on safe-side consider buying an insurance policy for disability. This is something which you should ponder upon seriously. In the time of crisis such insurance policies can be of great help to you and your family.

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Monday, 11 February 2013

Don’t delay; hire a reputed disability lawyer today!

At a work place, injuries and accidents can happen any time and due to many unfortunate reasons. It can be a consequence of medical negligence, lack of security or it can be an accident. Whatever the cause maybe, chances are you will need compensation for your physical injuries as well as for the lost time at work or for your inability to fulfill the daily tasks at the job.

There have been incidents when people have become partially or completely disabled due to such accidents at their workplace. And in spite of experiencing mental trauma due to disability, these people are hesitant to hire an experienced disability claims lawyer who can help them to get benefits they are entitled to. This can have terrible consequences as they might miss out on their rightful compensation due to their lack of understanding in disability claims procedure and other legal formalities.

Before it’s too late, let’s understand why hiring an attorney is better and wiser move than fighting one’s own legal battle. It is very obvious that when an individual is facing disability on account of an accident or negligence, he/she is most likely under physical and/or psychological stress. Under such state it is understood that the person is not capable of making sound judgment. Good professional disability lawyers can be of great help in this situation as they can give unbiased advice to the client who hired them to deal with disability laws or the Social Security matters.

When a healthy working rapport develops between Toronto disability claims lawyer and the claimant, both the parties can work out the best possible solution to get fair compensation based on the facts and details of the case.An attorney with vast experience in handling similar cases can quickly look in to specific details and particulars of disability case and can thus speed up the procurement of claim settlement.

During the initial stage of finalizing the right disability lawyer try to get a sense of what the lawyer is intending to offer. If you feel anytime that the equation between you and your lawyer isn’t smooth or you do not get the vibes you expected, give it a serious thought before jumping to conclusions right away. Discuss the issues with the lawyer and understand what he wants to convey. However, if the comfort level is still missing then consult another reliable and reputed lawyer soon as time is vital in such cases. You don’t want to risk the opportunity of receiving disability benefits by delaying the application procedure of claims.

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Wednesday, 6 February 2013

3 steps you must follow if your injury benefits claim is rejected

Accidents are unfortunate and frightening. They happen quite often and have different causes. In many occasions we have seen that accidents occur due to driver’s fault. Their irresponsible acts have led to several fatal accidents. Drivers get distracted due to usage of mobile phone, ignoring traffic signals or accidents happen due to speeding. Even drunken driving has caused number of road accidents. Victims of such fateful happenings can suffer from horrifying injuries and consequences. It is possible that victim may face disability, lose his/her employment and source of income. If you are one of the victims of such road accident then you are entitled to receive medical compensation. If you are facing disability because of such accident, you must also apply for disability benefits claims.

However, in certain cases, applicants are denied their Social Security claims. If your disability claim has also been rejected, you must look for errors that could have caused rejection as then you can file the appeal against this decision.

Minutely re-examine your documents

The first thing you must do after rejection of your claim is to verify all the documents that you had sent to the Social Security Administration (SSA). Ensure that you have correctly written your social security number and completely filled your forms.

Request for an explanation

If after proper assessment of all documents you still cannot locate any error in your paperwork then you must ask for explanation. Contact the SSA and see what they have to say about your claim.

Contact a lawyer for assistance

It’s not imperative to hire an attorney but, the entire procedure of filing a claim is quite complex. Hence, you must consider seeking help from accident lawyers or disability lawyers whichever case you have to file. Legal battle can be confusing and stressful and without proper legal advice from an experienced lawyer, you may fail to win your lawsuit. And if unfortunately your case gets rejected the first time, your attorney can be of great help with the re-examination and in the appeal process. When your case will be in appeal stage, you will be required to present it in the court and during this time it will be very beneficial if you will have the expertise of a lawyer by your side. With their years of experience, lawyers are aware which evidence to present in the court. Therefore, it is advisable to hire the services of lawyer when you have incurred accident injury or disability due to accident. Lawyer’s guidance can help you to successful win your case whether you have applied for short term disability claims or long term disability claims and thus, you can have much needed peace of mind.

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Friday, 1 February 2013

Be wise and hire an experienced disability lawyer

Filing a disability claim and disability lawyers definitely go together. When you want to achieve the best result for your case, disability attorneys can put you in the right position. The first thing you should do, is to find the right lawyer for your case. Ensure that you hire an attorney who specializes in your case.

If you are considering to file a disability claim, don't stress yourself. Start your search immediately for a professional lawyer who can help you and guide you through entire claim procedure. He/she will be able to help you to understand the Social Security system, its functioning, and the best way to approach it to get the desired outcome.

There are certain misconceptions about filing that people hear from others whose claims had been denied in the past. Hence, these experienced lawyers can burst these myths and point you in the right direction.
One fact that every person applying for disability benefits show be aware of is that if it's because of the problem regarding alcohol or drugs then you have no chance. What this indicates is that you must get rid of drugs or alcohol sooner rather than later. This will also help in improving your work abilities.

Another vital point that you must consider is the time factor. Disability procedure can take anywhere between 90 days to 24 months depending on the documents and medical evidences of the applicant. As soon as you know about your disability, think about filing as in such cases the quicker the better. There have been cases when things have really been dragged. Especially, for people who desperately need compensation from disability benefits program for their daily expenses shouldn't delay it. There are many people out there who have waited for couple of years before filing the case. Don't commit that mistake, set the wheels in motion.

Another advantage of hiring a lawyer is when you are denied of claim the first time. When your case moves from filing status to the appeal status you will most certainly need the expertise of a professional lawyer. This is because your case will then be heard by a judge. Paper work, collection of medical certificates and other application formalities will be taken care by your lawyer. Majority of the people get hassled by stringent regulations of the Social Security Administration and the intricate paper work that is needed. These lawyers understand the system and would accordingly handle the case. These disability claim cases are critical in the lives of mos people and hence, it is advisable to be wise and hire an attorney.

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