Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Deciphering the complex process of disability claims

A disability claim refers to the request made for the financial assistance filed with the Social Security Administration (SSA). Generally, an individual can file for disability claims when he/she believes that he/she is facing physical or mental disability leading to inability to find a job or live a normal life. This claim is also referred to as employment disability claims. Two major factors on which your disability claim depends are your financial and medical history.

The entire process of filing claim usually has 5 stages. The first step is the initial reconsideration followed by hearing and later on to appeals council hearing and the appeal in federal district court. You need to fill the forms for either SSI or SSDI under the initial reconsideration. This application can be approved or rejected by the SSA within duration of 3 to 5 months.

Now, don’t stress yourself if your claim is denied as you still have up to 60 days to file for reconsideration. The rejection of disability claims is common; almost 60% of claims are denied. There can many reasons that can lead to denial including filing wrong information in the form, legitimacy of the claim etc. But, good thing is you can always do something about the denied claim.

While filing for reconsideration you can correct the errors if you found the reason for the denial. If you cannot, you can contact the SSA and request for explanation as you need to find out the actual reason why your claim was denied. You may even hire disability claims lawyer as without knowing the real reason you will not be able to amend the errors. When you re-file the claim you need to be extra careful with the details and provide additional relevant documents and medical reports that can support your claim.

During the entire process of filing of disability claims you need to be very patient. Each stage can take quite some time. In most cases, the request for reconsideration can take up to 2 week to 6 months before it gets approved. But it all depends on the number of cases the SSA has up their sleeves.

Meanwhile, if unfortunately your reconsideration is also denied, you can then proceed to appeals stage and under this stage an appeal judge will hear your case. To successfully win the appeal you will need the expertise of an experienced disability lawyer. If for some reason your disability claim is rejected at this level, you can still take your case to the SSA Appeals Council and subsequently to the Federal District court.

In all these stages the most essential thing is you must never lose hope. You have to fight for your rightful disability benefits till the end.

For More Information Visit :-

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