Monday, 10 June 2013

Facing a Disability? Choose Disability Claims Type Wisely

Brief Overview on Various Disabilities

Disabilities can be of many different types, some mental and some physical. People are not always born with a disability. They might acquire it during the course of their life.

 There’s a long list of physical disability including walking, hearing, sight or even failing to move a certain part of the body. Some of the cases might seem trivial like poor vision or inability to hear out of both ears but they are definitely considered as disabilities.
Even if a person has hard-time talking and conversing with different people, he/she might be at a risk of facing mental disability. If you cannot think for yourself easily then it also counts as a type of mental disability. Individuals suffering from dyslexia have trouble with letters and numbers and they certainly have hard time thinking as compared to average human being. Thus, dyslexia is counted as a disability.

Types of Disability Claims

When it comes to disability claims, there are two types: Long term disability claims and short term disability claims. Depending on the medical condition, you may be eligible for both types of insurance through your employer in the form of a group plan. If your employer doesn’t provide you with these benefits, you can claim the benefits directly through an insurance company on an individual basis.

Short-term Disability or Long-term Disability? Confused?

The application of claim is quite uniform amongst majority of the insurance companies. They require a completely filed application, an insurance medical exam, a telephonic interview and a proof of income tax returns. An average duration for a policy to get the approval is 3-8 weeks. However, the dilemma that many individuals face is whether to claim for short-term or long-term disability.

Conventionally, a short-term disability policy has 7-14 days of waiting period and 3-6 months of benefit period. In most situations, short-term disability claims are intended to pay the benefits while a person is waiting for his/her long-term disability policy. Additionally, short-term disability insurance pays for the expenses for relatively shorter periods and serves as a protection against minor injuries or sickness but not something major.

On the other hand, as per the terms of long-term disability insurance policy, a person becomes eligible for benefits only after 90 days of disability. He/she will continue to get the benefits for five years, ten years or till retirement depending on what was opted during the filing of the claim. A long-term disability program is a life-line for persons who are struggling to pay for their medical and other daily expenses.

Importance of Disability Policies & Choosing a Disability Lawyer

Amid our daily professionals and personal life, most of us never expect or assume that we can face disability. Image a scenario when your daily source of income ceases due to disability. And as a result, we are no longer able to support our everyday expenses and loans. In such grim circumstances, it is these disability policies that help a disabled individual to sail through.

It is advisable that if you do not get benefits from your workplace and opt for individual coverage then you should hire a specialist lawyer who can trust and helps you throughout the entire claim process. A professional attorney can assist you by finding and advising about the best and rightful policy for your disability.


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